Saturday, December 3, 2016

Terrorizing Burbank Bookstores

Above, yours truly with a new Dark Shadows novel by Lara Parker. Photo by Brant Elliot.

Today was spent hanging out in "Beautiful Downtown Burbank" with fellow G-fan Brant Elliot roaming around different genre bookstores.

We met up at The New Deal restaurant for lunch. We were supposed to be joined by Peter H. Brothers, but he had something come up.

Above, a couple of Godzilla goods at Dark Delicacies. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After lunch, we migrated to the Dark Delicacies bookstore, where one can find all kinds of books with horror themes. I saw a number of Dark Shadows books by Lara Parker that are based on the 1960s soap opera. She does book signings there when she publishes a new novel.

Above, Brant Elliot rummaging in a bin at Blast From The Past. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When we were done perusing Dark Delicacies, we then headed over to Blast From The Past, which has toys, books, CDs and old comic books.

Above, goodies for sale at Blast From The Past. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Following Dark Delicacies, we then went over to Creature Features, were more toys, books, magazines and just about anything else of horror and science-fiction can be found. I gave them my card so that "the Boss" can contact me to order copies of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

Above, now here's a gal at Creature Features who could use
a boob job, among other things. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After Creature Features, we then drove over to the House of Secrets comic book store. There, I held the first issue of Superman that was drawn by Curt Swan. I also saw the first issue of Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen in the display case ($699.00). I mentioned to the clerk that the comic came about due to the popularity of Jack Larson in the Adventures of Superman television show. She asked, "Who's Jack Larson?" She never watched the show. So, I had to explain everything to her. I showed her photos of Jack that were taken with George Reeves during the production of the show and the photo of him and I taken by the Los Angeles Daily News during the plaque dedication two years ago. Now, she's up to speed! House of Secrets has a great collection of Silver Age comic books, many of which are from the 1950s, which are harder to find.

We then wrapped up the day at a coffee/latte shop in Burbank. This was a fun day. I haven't done thing kind of thing for quite a while.

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