Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Haruo Nakajima!

Above, yours truly with Haruo Nakajima in 2013 at the Mad Monster Party. Photo by Jeff Blanken.

Yesterday, the great, first Godzilla suit-actor, Haruo Nakajima turned 88.

For the past several years, I had been gathering fans' birthday greetings through this blog and forwarding them to his daughter Sonoe to present to her dad.

For the past two years, the number of greetings greatly dwindled. Rather than make the Nakajimas think that hardly anyone wants to wish him Happy Birthday, I decided to not do it this year.

I don't mind gathering the birthday greetings from the fans, so if there is "popular demand" again, I could start it up again later this year. I don't think Haruo Nakajima has lost anyone's esteem, most likely life just got in the way of fans.

What do you think? 

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