Monday, January 2, 2017

JAL Introduces Japanese Sightseeing Videos On International Flights

Above, Hozomon Gate at Senso-ji. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

To date, I have never flown to Japan with Japan Airlines (JAL), nor do I own any JAL stock.

But, those reading this may want to consider flying with JAL as they have Japanese sightseeing videos as part of their in-flight entertainment service on international flights.

According to TravelDailyNews International:
As one initiative in JAL New Japan Project1, Japan Airlines (JAL) has been introducing Japanese sightseeing videos in the in-flight entertainment on select international flights since April 2016. These sightseeing videos (in English subtitles or voice) were developed by local governments for providing overseas customers with the related travel information across Japan. 
As the fourth installment, the videos about Tokushima Prefecture which has concluded the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement with JAL, Shimane Prefecture which has organized a DMO (Destination Management / Marketing Organization) and been trying to increase the number of visitors from overseas, and Kushiro City, a Model Case2 in an attempt to attract more foreign tourists. 
JAL will be continuing to introduce beautiful scenery and history of various places to overseas customers through its in-flight entertainment service.
To read more, go here.

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