Friday, January 27, 2017

Kiss My Nagasaki!

Posters are sprouting up all over Kyushu and other places in Japan with the words, "Kiss My Nagasaki". 

People are wondering what the purpose for the posters is and Japan Today has the answers.

They wrote:
TOKYO —An American friend recently posted a poster he spotted in Kyushu on social media with the comment, “Someone at the Nagasaki tourism board getting creative.” It was this eye-catcher poster at left. 
The poster is actually part of a new promotion by JR Kyushu to promote seven sightseeing areas around the city of Nagasaki. Japanese pop culture-loving readers might already be savvy to the reference they are making, but the aggressive sounding tagline seems rife with confusion for international visitors. When I shared the photo to see what people thought, responses from abroad were largely befuddled.

To read more, go here.

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