Sunday, January 29, 2017

Last Night At Tony Roma's

Above, from left, Tim Denton, Mark Rosenthal, Glenn Thornhill, Arleigh Kerr and yours truly at Tony Roma's.

An annual event will take place today at the Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery in Northridge. It is something that dates back to our Young Republican days back in college.

As such, friends have come in from out of state to attend. In this case, Arleigh Kerr arrived yesterday from Lexington, Kentucky.

Last night Arleigh, Tim Denton, Mark Rosenthal, Glenn Thornhill and I met up at Tony Roma's in Encino for dinner. As what usually happens, we closed the place as we sat there in conversation about political events, some humorous and not-so-humorous.

I apparently missed the news last month that former California Lt. Governor Ed Reinecke passed away on Christmas Eve at age 92 as he came up in the conversation (most of us worked in his 1974 campaign for governor). I had met Reinecke and got to know him a little bit and he would have been a great governor, but he got railroaded with a phony Watergate-related charge that was later dismissed.

We had a good time and had a lot of laughs.

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