Sunday, January 15, 2017

Power Outage and the New Percolator

Above, coffee all ready to drink. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This morning didn't start off too well.

At around 6:40 to 6:55, an area-wide power outage occurred. Naturally, nobody could reach the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power as the lines were busy.

The outage lasted over an hour. During that time, I got dressed and went to The Beast. I figured that this was a good time to try out the new Stanley percolator. So, I got it set and fired up the burner and made a pot of coffee.

I made a "best guess" on the amount of coffee grounds to put in. Since it is a 6-cup percolator, I figured three. It turned out that I was right as the finished coffee came out great!

Along with myself, our building manager joined me for a cup. He was grateful since he has a long drive to Norco, about 80 miles away.

At least I know the percolator works great and how much coffee grounds to put in. This will work out great while dry camping and at Clamp-outs.

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