Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Roppongi Hills: Best Date Spot In Tokyo?

Above, Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When vacationing in Japan (or anywhere else) with a traveling companion of the opposite sex, the trip itself is basically a "date".

Then again, there are those who may be traveling solo but know some ladies in Tokyo to take out.

Whichever the case may be, if one wants to take her (or him) out on the town for a special "date night", has a suggestion: Roppongi Hills.

According to their article:
Few would argue that Tokyo’s Roppongi Hills hasn’t been a booming success. And in an area that, prior to its unveiling, was almost exclusively associated with the wanton debauchery of drunk and horny West meets drunk and curious East, Roppongi Hills has come along and injected a heavy dose of class. Class that could well make this the best date spot in all of Tokyo. Here’s why …

They give a number of reasons, the first being "romantic and free views" of Tokyo Tower. You'd have to read the full article to see the other, and quite valid, reasons to take a date to Roppongi Hills.

To read more, go here.

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