Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tokyo Japan’s Famous Tsukiji Fish Market

Above, one of many vendors at the Tsukiji outer market. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Ever since I visited the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo, I have been urging people to visit the historic fish market (before it is closed down and moved) ever since.

Net News Ledger has a new article on the Tsukiji Fish Market, which includes the current status on its impending move (whenever that will be is anyone's guess).

They begin with:
TOKYO – TRAVEL – Located in central Tokyo, Tsukiji is the largest fish market in the world with separate wholesale and retail areas. Besides being the source for most of the fresh fish served in Tokyo’s sushi bars and restaurants, Tsukiji is the best food court imaginable. 
On a recent trip to the market, like everyone else on the crowded sidewalk, I had come to see what wonderful ready-to-eat dishes were for sale. I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew I would find something delicious at one of the closet-sized stalls.
So, while there's still time, people should take the opportunity to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market and partake in what has to be the freshest sushi I have ever tried.

To read more, go here.

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