Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump's Lincoln Memorial Concert: Mike Deaver's Playbook

It was a feeling of seeing a "long-lost" friend again yesterday while watching the "Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration" concert at the Lincoln Memorial.

Yes, there was great entertainment by Toby Keith, Lee Greenwood and others, but it was a feeling that the late Michael K. Deaver returned from the grave to organize the event. The event was attended by thousands of people.

Deaver was known for setting up spectacular settings and backdrops for President Ronald Reagan during his eight years in office. The shots of the Lincoln Memorial, the concert and the fireworks afterwards seemed right out of Deaver's playbook on public events.

It helps also to have a photogenic new first family on hand.

Whomever organized the event for Donald Trump did an excellent job. After eight years of scarce patriotic symbols, this was a breath of fresh air.

Here's a video of the full concert:

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