Thursday, February 2, 2017

Lincoln Club of the South Bay - Gone

Above, Assemblyman Bob Beverly and Armand circa 1976. Photo by Ken Huthmaker.

It has been some 30+ years since I lived in the South Bay of Los Angeles County.

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, I was active in Republican and local politics along with working as a field representative for Assemblyman Paul Bannai, chairman of the Young Republicans of El Camino College and area chairman for three Reagan presidential campaigns.

Back in those days, the "Big Kahuna" in Republican Party circles was the Lincoln Club that was based in the then-51st Assembly District. These were the days when Bob Beverly was State Assemblyman (and later Marilyn Ryan) in the 51st.

Each year, in February, the big political social event of the year was the annual Lincoln Day Dinner that the Lincoln Club organized. It was a huge event, often drawing anywhere between 400 to (maybe) even 1,000 attendees.

I had a talk today with a South Bay political activist and asked him if the Lincoln Club still existed. He said he hadn't heard of any Lincoln Club activities (or even the name "Lincoln Club") in years.

We speculated that many of the activists "of the day" probably either died or moved out of state, allowing the Republican Party to wither and die out. I guess there was nobody around to fill the void in leadership positions.

That's too bad. This seems to be one (of many) reasons why California has become a one-party state full of socialists. The GOP ceased being a viable party in California.

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