Sunday, February 12, 2017

Lincoln's Birthday

Photos by Armand Vaquer

Since today is President Abraham Lincoln's birthday, I thought I'd post a few photos from my trip to his hometown in Springfield, Illinois.

From the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum:

Above, early education. Lincoln said, "When I came of age I did not know much.
Somehow, I could read, write, and cipher to the rule of three; but that was all."

Above, The Whispering Gallery highlights the pressures that the Lincolns faced.

Above, Lincoln read the Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet. He was
 urged to revoke it. But he often replied, "Broken eggs cannot be mended."

Above, at the entryway to the Abraham Presidential Museum, the family is
shown wearing traveling clothes evoking the trip from Springfield to Washington.

From the Lincoln Home National Historic Site:

Above, the Lincoln Home National Historic Site. 

Above, the front parlor. The room at right was often used to meet with law clients.

Above, the wall in front of the Lincoln home was built by a law client in payment for Lincoln's legal work.
Since the man was a bricklayer and had no money to pay Lincoln with, he built the wall in lieu of cash.

From the Lincoln Tomb:

Above, the sculpture by Gutzon Borglum (who sculpted Mt. Rushmore) in front of the Lincoln
Tomb. It is said that rubbing Lincoln's nose brings good luck. It is shiny from all the rubbing.

Above, one of several sculptures depicting Lincoln's life in the two hallways leading to the burial chamber.

Above, Lincoln's final resting place.

Above, the Lincoln Tomb.

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