Tuesday, February 7, 2017

T + L: The Truth Behind Common Jet Lag Myths

Above, sleeping on the plane does not help with jet lag. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Jet lag. Most everyone who has taken a long-distance flight that spans over many hours has experienced it.

For me, the last three trips to Japan went smoothly as I worked nights in Los Angeles, so my internal clock was already "set" for Japan time. Japan is 17 hours ahead of Los Angeles time (Pacific Standard Time). It takes roughly 11 hours to fly to Tokyo from Los Angeles and 9 hours for the return trip back to Los Angeles.

When I did have jet lag, it usually came after I returned home.

But, for those who want to minimize jet lag on their next overseas trip, Travel + Leisure has an article on several jet leg myths and what the truth is.

They begin with:
Like death and taxes and coffee spills on white pants, jet lag is seemingly inevitable. 
“Everyone has an internal biological clock,” said Dr. Carl Bazil, a sleep specialist and professor of neurology at Columbia University. “When you travel time zones, your clock stays where you were.” 
That disconnect between your biological clock and the clock on the wall results in jet lag and unfortunately, jet lag happens all the time when you travel. 
Most people assume their first few days of vacation will be spent wandering zombie-like through museums and falling asleep in their complimentary breakfast buffets. The truth is that there are ways to help fight jet lag before you leave, in the air, and on the ground. 
It just takes a little research to sort out the jet lag fact from the jet lag fiction. 
Here are some common jet lag myths—and the truth behind them.
To read more, go here

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