Saturday, February 25, 2017

They Just Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To, Or...

...I have one strong kitty!

Above, the Red Barn Feed & Saddlery. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yesterday, I stopped by the Red Barn Feed & Saddlery store in Tarzana. I haven't been there in a while. My mom and I used to go there quite a lot. While she shopped, I would spend my time looking at the historical newspapers hanging on the walls around the store and munching on their free popcorn.

Above and below, Sierra having a grand time. Photos by Armand Vaquer.

I picked up a bag of cat litter and got Sierra a toy. The toy cost $8.00.

The toy mounts on glass or other smooth surfaces and has a bird on the end of an elastic string.

In no time, Sierra broke the string and the gizmo that attaches the string onto a bar also came apart. I re-tied the string and used Crazy Glue to fix the gizmo. I let it set overnight.

Above, playing with the bird part after breaking the string. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This morning, I re-mounted it on the patio glass and Sierra was kept occupied with it for hours.

However, the bar that attaches to the sucker that sticks it onto the window broke. My previous fixes are still okay. That has to be one strong cat or the plastic bar was very cheaply made. $8.00 for that?!

I'll try to fix it with Crazy Glue.

They just don't make cat toys like they used to, apparently.

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