Saturday, February 18, 2017

Traveling Solo Safely

Above, The Beast at Circus Circus RV Park in Las Vegas. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

WinnebaGoLife newsletter blog has some safety tips for solo travelers.

Although the article is aimed primarily for female solo RV travelers, men can also use the tips provided.

The article starts with:
As a solo female full time RV’er, safety is the topic I am most often asked about. People are curious – do you feel safe, do you pack or carry a gun, what have you run into?

Thanks to my grandfather and dad instilling this in me, I never leave on a RV trip without having a firearm with me. A gun stored away in a box at home will not protect one while on the road.

Thanks also for the training I received when I worked armed patrol, I feel protected enough and capable in dealing with any threats that may arise. I have never had a problem while traveling solo, but as the Boy Scout Motto says, "Be Prepared!"

To read the full article, go here.

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