Monday, February 20, 2017

Tsukiji Investigation Committee To Be Set Up

Above, the Tsukiji Fish Market. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The planned relocation of the Tsukiji Fish Market is even deeper in limbo as a panel is about to be set up to investigate it.

According to Japan Today:
TOKYO —Four major parties in the Tokyo metropolitan assembly agreed Monday to set up a powerful committee to look into questions related to the relocation site for the Tsukiji fish market and possibly summon former Gov Shintaro Ishihara as a witness under oath. 
Ishihara was governor when the metropolitan government decided to buy land in Tokyo’s Toyosu area as a replacement site for the Tsukiji market, known for its daily fish auctions. Gov Yuriko Koike has put the relocation on hold amid safety concerns over the former gas production plant site and publicly called on her predecessor to clarify his role in the purchase. 
The committee, which can compel individuals to testify and submit relevant records, may be established on the first day of a regular assembly session starting Wednesday. Witnesses who give false testimony can be prosecuted for perjury.
So, it appear that the Tsukiji Fish Market will remain at its current location a while longer.

To read more, go here

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