Thursday, March 16, 2017

Haruo Nakajima Going Through Health Issues

Above, yours truly with Haruo Nakajima at the 2013 Mad Monster Party. Photo by Jeff Blanken.

It has been reported by Christine Chapin on Facebook that our favorite Godzilla, Haruo Nakajima, has been going through some unspecified health issues.

She wrote:
Please keep Nakajima-san and his daughter Sonoe Nakajima in your thoughts and prayers. He has gone thru some health issues recently and we are all wishing for a speedy recovery so he can get back to his happy, cheerful self! ご全快の一日も早いことをお祈りいたします!
I sent Sonoe Nakajima a message expressing my concern along with my best wishes for her father's speedy recovery.

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