Sunday, March 5, 2017

Japan Cracking Down On Tourism Scammers

Above, our group photo at Kiyomizu-dera at the last tour stop in Kyoto. 

The Japanese government is cracking down on travel-related scam artists.

According to the Japan Times:
The government has begun cracking down on unauthorized tourist-related businesses that are allegedly ripping off visitors from abroad. 
Such rip-offs include travel agencies that involve “land operators” (tour service operators), that arrange lodging, shopping and other holiday activities. Shady land operators, for example, may use free guides and work with specific duty-free shops. The guides take foreign tourists to the shops in return for handsome kickbacks from sales of goods at unfairly high prices, according to the Japan Tourism Agency.
Fortunately for me, I have never used a tourist agency (not counting G-TOUR in 2004 when we hand-picked a tourism company) for my travels to Japan. I did everything myself.

Others, who may never have been to Japan before, haven't been so lucky. Therefore the need to crack down on shady businesses.

To read more, go here.

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