Monday, April 24, 2017

Patio Drop-Offs

Above, The Beast at the home base. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My patio seems to be the drop-off point or dumping ground (take your pick) for United Parcel Service (UPS).

I was expecting a package from a Mustang parts vendor today via UPS, but I saw no package or no notice at my front door. I remembered that I was emailed a UPS tracking number last week so I looked it up.

Presto! UPS said that the package was delivered around 3:30 PM today. Scrolling down a little, it indicated that it was left in my patio.

So, I looked in my patio and there were two packages, one big and one small. The small one was from the Mustang vendor and the large one was the replacement rear wheelcover simulator for The Beast from Winnebago.

This time, I immediately opened the Winnebago package and it was the correct item.

It's a good thing that the Mustang UPS notice said the package was left in the patio, otherwise, who knows how long the Winnebago package would've sat there since I received no tracking number or notice.

Now to get both vehicles taken care of.

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