Monday, April 24, 2017

Trump To Review National Monuments

Above, Joshua Tree National Park was a national monument for decades before being re-designated. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

President Obama ruffled some feathers in different states by naming different parcels of land as National Monuments without the request or approval of the states involved. President Trump is reviewing these to see if violations of the Antiquities Act were made.

According to the Bangor Daily News:
Maine’s national monument will be attacked on two fronts if, as anticipated, President Donald Trump orders a review of monument designations later this week, and Gov. Paul LePage testifies before Congress on May 1 against executive orders that create monuments without state approval. 
LePage will fly to Washington, D.C. to testify before a House Committee on Natural Resources subcommittee next week in opposition to national monument designations created by presidential order, the governor confirmed Monday during a press conference in Augusta. 
“The Legislature in Maine said [it] didn’t want a national park or monument and he [President Barack Obama] went ahead and did it anyway,” LePage said Monday. “I’m going to say he violated the Antiquities Act and it should be reversed.”
To read more, go here

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