Wednesday, May 3, 2017

National Park Service Reforms Needed

Above, summer workers living quarters at Yosemite. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When President Trump proposed his cut to the Department of the Interior's budget, predictably, cries of horror spewed out among the environmentalist community.

Interestingly, there is an Op-Ed article by Isaac Orr who says that there's plenty of fat and waste in the NPS budget that was published in Deseret News.

It begins with:
Environmental groups predictably took National Park Week as an opportunity to decry President Donald Trump’s proposal to cut the budget for the Department of the Interior from $13.2 billion to $11.6 billion, a reduction of about 12 percent. They claim the reduction will be the death knell for America’s natural wonders. 
As someone who worked for the National Park Service, in Yellowstone National Park, I can attest NPS has its fair share of waste, fraud and abuse, and there are plenty of places where more efficient practices can be utilized to provide a better return for taxpayers’ investment.

To read more, go here

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