Friday, July 14, 2017

2017 Good Sam RV Travel & Savings Guide

Since I've been planning on next month's trip to Idaho to see the total eclipse of the sun, I've been making use of the 2015 Good Sam RV Travel & Savings Guide to locate campgrounds in areas I plan to visit.

It dawned on me that some information may be very outdated. Campgrounds close, get bought out and new ones open. I felt that buying one every year is probably redundant. But perhaps buying one every other year would be more practical. The Guide also shows which campgrounds and RV parks give the Good Sam Club discount.

So, I bought the 2017 edition. I thought it would keep me busy tonight putting in the stick-on state tabs that the directory comes with. Those tabs come in handy to look up campgrounds in different states. But, there's only one problem: it came with no sheet of peel-off stick-on state tabs. The 2015 edition did, but there's none for the 2017 edition.

Oh, well.

It appears the Good Sam Club discontinued the tabs. They started including those back in the 1980s as I recall (I bought the Guide every year back then).

Still, I have more up-to-date campground information for this year's trip north for my trip planning.

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