Tuesday, July 4, 2017

9 Stunning National Park Images

Above, Old Faithful Geyser erupts. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

As today is Independence Day, what better way to celebrate our nation's birthday than to take a look at nine stunning images from some of our 59 national parks with our British cousins?

The images were posted today by The Independent from the United Kingdom.

They begin with:
Google is taking time to celebrate the stunning and sublime beauty of America's national parks, on the country's birthday. 
It was on this day 241 years ago that the US famously adopted the Declaration of Independence, and the United States of America was born. But less famously it's also the birthday of Stephen Mather, the conservationist who was the first director of the National Parks Service. 
Google said that it was celebrating the two events together because the National Parks Service is hailed as "America's Best Idea", and that they were such a perfect place to celebrate the country's birthday.

To read more and to see the images, go here

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