Monday, July 17, 2017

Best Places To See The Eclipse

Above, the general area where I will be on August 21. Map by

Are you in the path of totality of the August 21 eclipse of the sun?

There's a good article on the best places to view the eclipse by the Kansas City Star.

They begin with:
First, a note on the emotions of getting a full view of the solar eclipse on Aug. 21: 
Don’t fret. 
A great thing about the continental United States is that it stretches for a long way. So, too, will the historic eclipse’s path of totality. That means wherever you are, you’re likely to be pretty close to the 70-mile-wide band across the country in which the moon will be seen to completely cover the surface of the sun. 
Lincoln City, Ore., at 10:15 a.m. their time (12:15 p.m. Kansas City time) will be the first place in the continental U.S. to see the sun’s rays blotted out by the moon. From then on, the full shadow of moon will speed across the breadth of the country and over 14 states to depart the U.S. 2 1/2 hours later through Charleston, S.C., at 2:48 p.m. eastern time. 
About 200 million Americans live within a day’s ride of the path. Across the country, cities and towns at the very center of that path — known as the centerline — are either expecting or hoping to attract a crush of sky-viewing humanity.
One nice thing about being retired, I can just jump into my RV and head to where the totality can be seen without having to worry about a job. I'm doing my viewing in Idaho.

The article also provided this link to find out if your area will be in the eclipse's totality.

To read more of the Kansas City Star article, go here.

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