Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Drat! (Sort Of)

Above, The Beast at Reseda Automotive last year. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For the past two years, I have taken The Beast to Reseda Automotive for its oil changes and pre-trip checks. I've liked their service since they did work on RVs.

I called them up this morning to set an appointment to bring it in for an oil change (I use synthetic oil for it) and a pre-trip check before I hit the road for Idaho to see the eclipse. Lo and behold, they are under a new name and management. In other words, a who new regime has replaced Reseda Automotive.

Well, I do have a regulat mechanic for the Mustang. I stopped by his shop and he says he can do the oil change and trip-check on the motorhome. So I'll bring it there.

It seems that almost every time I find a vendor I like, they go out of business (just like El Paso Barbecue Restaurant). Yeesh!

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