Friday, July 7, 2017

Hiking In Bryce Canyon National Park

Above, one of many natural amphitheaters of Bryce Canyon. Can you
 spot Thor's Hammer and Queen Victoria? Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of my favorite national parks is Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. I was last there around 2003 with my mom and daughter over Labor Day weekend.

There's plenty of things to see and do, including hiking among many rock formations.

Deborah Wall has a special article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on how best to enjoy Bryce Canyon during the summer with the focus on hiking the park's many trails.

It begins with:
Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah is on everybody’s list of must-see places in the Southwest, but during summer, dealing with the crowds and traffic can be frustrating at best. However, if you have some flexibility in your schedule, there’s a remedy. Check out the park’s popular main area, with its natural amphitheaters filled with striking hoodoo formations, first thing in the morning, before most visitors arrive. Then set out to other areas of Bryce for hiking.

To read more, go here

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