Thursday, July 20, 2017

Hirohito "Powerless" To Stop The War

Above, Emperor Hirohito and President Nixon meet in Alaska.

It is interesting when documents that deal with historical events and personalities turn up. Such is the case involving Emperor Hirohito (now known as Emperor Showa) and World War II.

The Asahi Shimbun has an article on Hirohito.

It begins with:
LONDON--A newly released letter written by the British ambassador to Japan after the Jan. 7, 1989, death of Emperor Hirohito absolved him of responsibility for taking Japan to war, saying "he was ultimately powerless to stop" the nation's drift to militarism. 
The bitter memories held by many British veterans about their treatment at the hands of the Imperial Japanese military led to strong calls about the responsibility held by Hirohito, known posthumously as Emperor Showa.

It was Hirohito who broadcast the message to the the Japanese people telling them that Japan will surrender to the Allies. It was the first time that the Japanese ever heard him speak.

To read more, go here

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