Sunday, July 23, 2017

Lap Up The Madness and Magic of Tokyo

Above, Shibuya Crossing (or Shibuya Scramble). Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is interesting to read of the different perspectives of people from other nations who've visited Japan.

In an article in The Scottish Sun, a couple from Scotland visited Tokyo and have written about their experiences and impressions.

They begin with:
THINK of any movie, cartoon or wacky story you’ve ever seen about Tokyo.
Then times the bonkers factor by ten, and you’re still not close to how mad the Japanese capital is.
Every day in the larger-than- life city is an experience and around every corner is something wilder than the last. 
We spent a magical week in the futuristic hub, and we barely scratched the surface.
Getting there is easier than you think — we travelled with the superb Turkish Airlines who took us in comfort and style. 
We landed in Narita late at night and took the express train into the city, before transferring to the subway. 
Travelling around Tokyo is a piece of cake. It is really well geared up for tourists so all the travel maps and vending machines are in English. 
Tokyo doesn’t have a centre. It is such a vast city that it’s portioned up into areas, each famous for different things.

To read more, go here.

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