Friday, July 21, 2017

National Park Deaths and Injuries

Above, Tenaya Creek at Yosemite. People have been getting swept down swollen rivers and creeks. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

People have been getting injured and killed in our national parks. I've noticed quite a number of them over the past several weeks and months.

I've noticed drownings (Yosemite and Sequoia), falling into volcanic hot springs and getting dissolved (Yellowstone), falls (Crater Lake and Zion) and heat stroke/dehydration (Carlsbad Caverns).

RV Life has an article on just this subject.

They start with:
According to National Park Service statistics reported by CNN, a total of 1,025 people died in national parks from 2007 to 2013. In the big scheme, that’s not too many deaths compared to other ways to die in America. For instance, in 2015 there were 15,696 homicides and 40,000 fatal car crashes. Regardless of how many people die in U.S. national parks the fact is that many deaths were totally preventable. 
Most vacationers don’t die from grizzly bear maulings or other wild animal attacks. The causes aren’t quite as sensational. The most popular ways to die in national parks usually involves being unprepared and disrespectful of the power of nature.

To read more, go here

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