Friday, July 28, 2017

National Park Service Brochures

Above, the Devil's Postpile National Monument ranger station. The
 brochure rack is below the "open" sign. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While going through some materials that have accumulated from my RV trips, I noticed that I am starting to get a little collection of National Park Service brochures from different parks and attractions they administrate.

Generally, when entering a national park, visitors are handed these and other literature at the gate by the rangers. They can also be obtained at park visitor centers and in racks located at park attractions for free.

Above, the South Entrance gate to Yosemite National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Most are for general park information, while others specialize in special and seasonal events, parking restrictions and maps.

These are what I have in the house (I have some more in the motorhome):

Above, some of the National Park Service brochures I have accumulated. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While these brochures make nice souvenirs, they also come in handy for future reference for return trips (I visited Yosemite National Park twice last year) and use them for blog articles. 

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