Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Zinke and Panel Meet To Boost RVs In National Parks

Above, The Beast at North Pines Campground in Yosemite Valley. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is looking to modernize campgrounds in national parks to better suit recreational vehicles.

According to E & E News:
Expanded and modernized spaces for recreational vehicles in national parks might be where the rubber meets the road as Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke pushes for improved public-private partnerships. 
After Zinke met with recreation industry representatives today, he cited "Eisenhower-era" RV spots as one area where the Interior Department might work alongside industry in meeting contemporary park visitors' needs. 
"A lot of our infrastructure is still stuck in the '50s, and in some cases before," Zinke told participants in what was billed as a recreation leadership meeting, adding that "we have to adjust to [what] Americans' outdoor experience is today." 
The industry representatives, from groups including the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association and International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association, delivered 27 recommendations to Zinke during the approximately hourlong meeting in a fifth-floor conference room.

To read more, go here

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