Monday, August 28, 2017

10 Best Things To Do In Tokyo And Their Cost

Above, Tokyo Tower. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

If you are going to Tokyo and want to know what the 10 best things to do in the city and, also, need to know the cost of doing them, has the answers for you.

They begin with:
Where to start with a list of the 10 best attractions and things to do in Tokyo? The options are almost overwhelming and few of them will be all powerful enough to cater to everyone’s tastes. “Few of them” - perhaps there are some Tokyo attractions that might be obvious - Sensoji in Asakusa, Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Skytree all might seem to be a given on any such top 10 lists, and before the travel elitist sneers, these kind of marquee attractions can serve as useful anchors in an ocean of sightseeing possibilities. Anyway, what we really want to do with our list of the best attractions and things to see / do in Tokyo is look at how much they cost to enter. We want to try and convey a sense of the budgets required to take in these marquee attractions and also to dispel (or exacerbate) any myths about Tokyo being an expensive city to visit. At the end of the piece we’ll attempt to tally up the entrance and travel costs to provide a broader view on how much they cost in the collective.

In the interests of honesty, we compiled our 10 best list by simply picking and choosing those Tokyo attractions that were regulars on the myriad of such lists (all Japanese) that we checked on the web. That said, we have thrown one or two quirks in, just for the fun of it. There is no particular order to this best 10.
To read more, go here

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