Friday, August 4, 2017

American Flyers Prefer Cheap Seats

Above, a United Boeing 787 Dreamliner at LAX. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It appears the American airline customers prefer cheaper prices over conveniences, according to a new survey.

Japan Today reported:
NEW YORK - U.S. airlines striving to boost profitability are up against an army of penny-pinching customers who would rather sit in a dreaded middle seat than pay more to fly, says a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released this week 
Airlines have sought to lure travelers into business and first class with plush airport lounges, fancy onboard cocktails and high speed internet connections. 
But the poll showed 83 percent of Americans put ticket prices among their chief considerations when booking personal travel, outweighing travel perks or an airline's reputation. 
Sixty percent of those polled said they would not pay extra to avoid being assigned a middle seat. About 52 percent said they would not pay more to fly on their preferred airline.

To read more, go here.

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