Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Californians Had Special Way To View the Eclipse… Now Hospitals Are Filling Up

Above, the total eclipse as seen in Idaho. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There have been many things I've heard about over the years that leave one with head shaking.

The latest comes from the Conservative Tribune. It seems that some Californians have no common sense (or any other kind) left.

They wrote:
This is what happens when your state thinks Jerry Brown deserves four terms as governor. 
As you no doubt heard last week, much of America was in the path of a rare solar eclipse, including the People’s Republic of California. As you also doubtlessly heard, you weren’t supposed to stare into the sun without a special pair of glasses.

Makes sense, right? But, someone didn't get the memo, apparently.

They go on to report:
According to one nurse practitioner in California who spoke to KRCR-TV, patients actually presented at urgent care complaining of eye pain because — and I can’t believe I’m going to write the words I’m about to type — they put sunscreen on their eyes because they didn’t have glasses.

To read more, go here

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