Friday, August 4, 2017

Chores Done

Above, the Mustang all cleaned. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Several chores got completed this morning before the outside temperatures begin to be stifling.

First, I headed off the the local recyclers to bring in several bags of bottles and cans. They managed to accumulate over several months. It was interesting to unload the bags with bees all over the place, but they didn't bother me.

Next, I headed off to the car wash to get the Mustang cleaned for tomorrow's funeral service for my cousin Lucia's husband Jeff. It will be held at Forest Lawn Covina Hills. While there, time permitting, I will look up the grave of a friend, Larry Whisenhunt. Larry was a fellow fraternity brother in college (even though we knew each other since high school) and appeared in the movie, Silent Running as one of Bruce Dern's drone robots.

After that, I headed off to the gas station to fill the Mustang's gas tank.

Meanwhile, while I was doing all this, Sierra was guarding the front door to my apartment.

Above, my guard cat Sierra at her post by the front door. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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