Saturday, August 26, 2017

Crater Lake National Park

Above, with Wizard Island in the distance, a smoky view of Crater Lake. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is hard to believe that I was seventeen when I last stepped foot into Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. Although it has been "many moons" later, I came back on this trip.

Above, Crater Lake's rim. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It was during the summer of 1971 when my parents and I took a vacation trip to Crater Lake. We camped in the park itself in my grandfather's canvas umbrella tent. This time, I was in a RV and stayed 5 miles outside of the park's entrance at Diamond Lake RV Park.

Above, The Phantom Ship (or is that Godzilla?). Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The thing I remember most of that trip was the hike down to the water and, especially, the hike back up the rim of the crater. That was one hike with all the switchbacks we had to take to get back to the top.

I stopped along most of the viewpoints around the crater. I remembered the views, but when I got to the Rim Village Gift Shop, it was not familiar to me. Perhaps it was built after my last visit to the national park.

Above, a little clearer view of Wizard Island. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Unfortunately, due to the fires in the area, the skies were smoky and "fogged" the views of Crater Lake. Later in the afternoon, some winds kicked up and blew some of the smoke away, which cleared the views of the lake a little bit.

I was all ready to present my Senior Pass to the ranger at the entrance gate, but the rangers just waved everyone through without even collecting entrance fees ($15 per carload). I wondered what that was all about.

Above, The Beast at the Phantom Ship viewpoint's parking area. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After wandering around the lake for a while, I headed back to the RV park. Once I did, I started the barbecue for a great steak dinner.

Above, The Beast at Diamond Lake RV Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Unless I get really bored, I plan on making tomorrow a "rest" day: just sitting around the RV park and doing nothing. I have either been driving every day on this trip or involved in seeing the eclipse. This will be my day of rest of reading, munching or napping. 

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