Thursday, August 31, 2017

Delaware North Yosemite Lawsuit Drags On

Above, a modified road sign in Yosemite Valley. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It has been a while since the trademark lawsuit involving the federal government and former concessionaire Delaware North had been reported on.

Yesterday, the Fresno Bee has posted and article giving a status on the lawsuit (of sorts).

They begin with:
It has been 18 months since a white nylon sign reading “Half Dome Village” was stretched over the 103-year-old Camp Curry sign in Yosemite National Park, and it will probably be a while longer before it comes down. 
The National Park Service and Yosemite’s former concessionaire, Delaware North, remain embroiled in a legal battle over the names of some of the park’s most cherished landmarks: The Ahwahnee, Curry Village, Badger Pass, Wawona Hotel. 
Delaware North holds trademarks to these names with the U.S. Patent Office and has asked Aramark, the company that beat out Delaware North for the concessions contract in 2016, to pay for its trademarks and some building improvements as part of the changeover. Aramark and the government have maintained the names were never Delaware North’s to begin with, and the two sides are more than $40 million apart on the amount owed. 
Given the distance between the parties and how slowly the courts move in such cases, both sides agreed this week that it could be years before a resolution is reached.

Read more here:

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