Friday, August 11, 2017

Eclipse Maps May Be...Wrong!

Oh-oh! Some astronomical mapping experts are saying that online eclipse maps are wrong and may be off by a mile.

The Kansas City Star reported:
Anyone who has been using online maps to decide where they intend to view the historic Aug. 21 total eclipse of the sun may want to take another look. 
Those maps, provided by NASA and others, show a crisply defined, 70-mile-wide path of totality where the moon will block 100 percent of the sun. But they are not as precise as they appear, at least on their edges. 
The southern edge of the path as shown on the maps could be off by as little as the length of a football field or as much as a half-mile, eclipse mapping experts say. Likewise for the northern edge, meaning the path of totality might be just 69 miles wide.
I'm not concerned as I will be smack dab within the eclipse' umbra of totality.

To read more, go here

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