Sunday, August 13, 2017

'Inbound Insurance' For Japan Visitors

Above, Nakamise Street in Asakusa. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Foreign visitors to Japan hit a record 24.04 million in 2016. While this is great for Japan's economy and with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics just around the corner. This also presents a problem. Many foreigners who had to seek medical care while in Japan didn't pay their bills.

Insurers are looking to push for more "inbound insurance" to be made available to visitors.

According to The Mainichi:
Major non-life insurance firms are focusing their efforts on the sale of "inbound insurance" to foreign visitors coming to Japan that covers illness and injury, it has been learned. 
With the number of inbound tourists rapidly increasing, there has been a spate of uninsured foreigners receiving medical care before returning home without paying -- prompting insurance firms to offer and promote "inbound insurance" to individual travelers as well as companies involved in their trips.

To read more, go here.

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