Monday, August 14, 2017

Las Vegas and Dump Station

Above, today at the dump station at Malibu Creek State Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

More things got accomplished in preparation to my trip north to see the eclipse.

Last night, I was going to reserve a site at Circus Circus RV Park in Las Vegas for a night. The stated price was $31/night. Sounded reasonable enough. But when I went to make a reservation, it automatically tacked on a $27 daily resort fee to it. And that's not counting taxes!

Sorry, Charlie! But $58+ a night is not what I call a reasonable price. I don't remember a daily resort fee when we stayed there two years ago.

So, I found another RV park that is under $30 a night. Much better!

Today, I headed off to Malibu Creek State Park to fill the fresh water tank and to empty the black and grey water tanks. That went smoothly.

Then, on the way back home, I stopped and filled the gas tank. I won't need to get gasoline until I reach Utah.

So, I am pretty much done. I do have to get a few more groceries, but other than that, we're good to go.

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