Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters & Viewers

Above, the Celestron Solar Shades kit I have. It is on the AAS approved list.

People with common sense know that looking directly at the sun, during an eclipse and otherwise, will lead to permanent eye damage. That means...blindness!

The American Astronomical Society has posted a list of reputable, and most importantly, safe vendors of viewing glasses, filters and viewers.

They start with:
Here you'll find lists of reputable manufacturers and authorized dealers of solar filters and viewers; these include companies with which members of the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force have had prior (and positive!) experience as well as companies whose products have been certified safe by authorities we recognize and whose certification we have confirmed to be genuine. Your eyes are precious! You don't need astronomers to tell you that, but you do need astronomers to tell you where to get safe solar filters: from the companies listed on this page. To do otherwise is to take unnecessary risks. If a supplier isn't listed here, that doesn't mean its products are unsafe — only that we have no knowledge of them or that we haven't convinced ourselves they are safe. For more information see our Eye Safety pages.

To read more, go here

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