Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Two Things Down, One To Go

Above, The Beast after its bath. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Despite the high heat and humidity, I managed to get a couple of things accomplished today.

We did have some rain sprinkles this morning, but it didn't last too long. We are supposed to have another chance for rain tonight. We'll see.

The first thing accomplished was to get The Beast washed. Since I am going to bring it in for an oil change and a general trip check tomorrow morning, I decided to get it washed to make it look presentable.

Above, Sierra got a clean bill of health. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The second thing accomplished was to get Sierra's shots up-to-date. The vet checked her over (I am sure Sierra didn't appreciate being poked and prodded). She was pronounced healthy by the vet, although she weighed 17 pounds. The vet said she could stand to lose a few pounds. She wasn't overweight, but she was at the upper limits for a cat. She received her rabies vaccination certificate. I keep all of her veterinary documents in The Beast just in case the state border entry checkpoints request seeing them.

As I mentioned, The Beast will be at the mechanic's to get all its fluids and tire pressure checked and get an oil change. Once that's done, I'm all set.

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