Thursday, August 17, 2017

VICE Magazine Tweets: Calling For Blowing Up Mt. Rushmore

Above, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We live in very strange, and dangerous, times.

The Left in this country are totally out of control. They belong in lunatic asylums.

The latest is a Tweet from the leftist rag, VICE, who calls for the blowing up of Mount Rushmore. This is right out of ISIS's playbook. Some unhinged idiot just may act on this and damage it and other national monuments.

PJ Media reported:
On the same day as a deadly incident in Barcelona that police have confirmed as a terrorist attack, a tweet published by VICE (whose website PJ Media will not link to in this post) called for blowing up Mount Rushmore.
Here's the Tweet that PJ Media copied before VICE removed it:

It is getting to the point where good citizens have to be on the alert for suspicious people who may want to do harm to our monuments and possibly cause death or injury. If I were to see someone attempt something, that person will be immediately knee-capped and their hands broken. Or worse. This is something that none of us should put up with.

Then there's a report of a Missouri state senator (a Democrat) who said she "hopes" President Trump gets assassinated. Another deranged idiot!

To see more, go here.

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