Friday, September 1, 2017

Accessible Tokyo

Above, the National Art Center as viewed from Tokyo City View. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Just because a person is disabled and confined to a wheelchair doesn't mean that he/she won't be able to enjoy many attractions in Tokyo.

Time Out Tokyo has an article on some of the more popular attractions in Tokyo that are accessible to those who are disabled.

They begin with:
Most Tokyoites would probably agree if we were to claim that accessibility and openness is one area in which the city can do better. But that's not to say Tokyo is entirely off limits for those with disabilities: determined to unlock Tokyo for absolutely everyone, we've taken up the task of creating a truly inclusive guide to the capital. Read on and find out how to see the city from a different perspective – and where to view art while sitting down, how to tour Asakusa in a wheelchair and much more.

To read more, go here

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