Sunday, September 3, 2017

Welcome Center In Ontario, Oregon

Above, some of the literature I picked up at the Welcome Center. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a long drive from Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, I entered Oregon at Ontario, Oregon on Interstate 84.

Just after crossing into the state, I spotted signs indicating a rest area with a visitor center. I decided to stop into the Visitor Center to pick up a few things.

The Ontario, Oregon Visitor Center had maps, booklets and brochures on the state's attractions. They also had a nice and friendly staff who are there to help out visitors.

I asked them if they had any maps and information on Crater Lake National Park. They did (although the Crater Lake information "newspaper" was the 2016 edition). They also provided me with a map on how to get to Vale, Oregon and U.S. Highway 20 and an Official Oregon Visitors Guide book.

This was the first time in all my years of traveling in different states that I went into a state's visitor center. It was an interesting experience and I left with plenty of useful information.

The Ontario Visitor Center does not have a website, but they do have a Facebook page. To access it, go here.

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