Saturday, September 2, 2017

Why Full-Time RVing Is Becoming Popular With Younger Generations

Above, Wizard Island in Crater Lake. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When people think of full-time RVers, they generally think of retirees.

However, the demographics of full-timers is changing with middle-aged and young people joining the ranks.

There are reasons for this and Do It Yourself RV has them covered in an article.

They begin with:
Full-time RVing has really taken off in the last few years.  Traditionally, the full-time RV life has belonged almost exclusively to retirees. 
Traveling the country at a leisurely pace has historically been seen as a reward for having lived a productive life.  Now, however, there is an ever-increasing number of full-timing folks who do not match that particular demographic, and whose motivations are somewhat different. 
While it is still more likely that you will run into people 65+ who are indefinitely on the road, the number of full-time middle age couples and singles is on the rise.  There is even a newly-emerging demographic of young families in their 20s and early 30s who have joined the ranks.  So why the sudden shift?
To see why, go here

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