Sunday, September 3, 2017

Yellowstone Seismic Activity In Record Levels

Above, the Clepsydra Geyser. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The last volcanic eruption at Yellowstone National Park was likely about 70,000 years ago. But recent seismic activity in the park has people keeping watch.

According to The Epoch Times:
A cluster of earthquakes at the Yellowstone Park volcano is the most active it’s been in recent history. The earthquake count is up to 2,357 since June. The largest was a magnitude 4.4. The majority of the earthquakes were magnitudes of 0 or 1, as Newsweek reported. 
Swarms of earthquakes do not necessarily reflect a forthcoming eruption. Yellowstone hosts thousands of earthquakes a year. The type of earthquake swarms that are occurring at Yellowstone are different from a regular earthquake, that indeed may signal an approaching eruption.

To read more, go here

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