Looney Left Report
This is a different Looney Left Report than the usual kind. It involves an incident that took place earlier this evening.
It is funny about liberals, especially ones from Hollywood. They can dish out their venom against President Trump based on fake news reports, but they can't handle opposing views.
Such is the case this evening. The topic on Facebook concerned the manufactured flap over what the President allegedly said to the widow of a soldier who was recently killed in Niger. In what was a condolence call to the widow, it degenerated into a political attack from alleged words taken out of context. Trump has more reverence towards our men and women in uniform in his pinky's fingernail than Barack Obama ever did in his whole body. On that basis alone, the story put out by a wacko congresswoman is ludicrous.
"You have to be a really sick, twisted and ugly person who puts politics first... to think the president got out of bed, got on the phone and purposely wanted to hurt this family." — Sean Hannity
This matter involved an actor-writer I've known for about 17 or so years in George Reeves/Superman fandom. When his wife tragically died years ago, I was the only person from the Superman fandom to attend her memorial service.
This B-actor, whom I shall leave unnamed, posted about the matter with his usual attack against the President. I posted a reply that it was "fake news" (the alleged statement by Trump was taken totally out of context). Go here.
He then responded to me with an attack that basically said that in my eyes, Trump can do no wrong. I responded in kind saying that all he does is badmouth the President and what Trump told the soldier's widow was taken out of context. I probably shouldn't have said this, but I was a bit teed off, "Some marine." (He's an ex-marine, which is considered by many that "once a marine, always a marine".) The context I said it: although he served honorably in Vietnam, all he has done lately is espouse leftist causes. (He also complained that I did not capitalize "Marine". Okay, I can live with that. I checked and it used to be lower-case when referring to a USMC member but is now capitalized. So, I stand corrected.) If I really wanted to be mean, I could have said, "The only other ex-Marine I can think of who espoused leftist positions was Lee Harvey Oswald", but didn't. So I am not comparing him to Oswald. He also made a crack (about me) to go play with my Godzilla toys (I guess we're even on the insults).
To make a long story short, we batted it back and forth for a little bit (each gave as good as each got) and decided that we would not have anything more to do with the other. Which is fine with me. Less aggravation.
They can sure dish it out, but cannot take it in return. Oh, well.
Jim Beaver is a piece of shit. You know it and I know it.