Saturday, November 18, 2017

415 Call

Above, the vehicle after they closed the doors. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of the reasons for wanting to leave California is the rudeness and inconsideration of the people here.

Early this morning was a prime example.

At about 2:20 this morning, some people who don't live here were parked near my bedroom and were talking and laughing loudly, thereby waking you-know-who. This falls under police penal code 415 (Disturbing the peace / Mutual combat).

Above, one of the people in the vehicle. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

So, I got dressed, put a little item for protection in my pocket (who knows what I may be walking into) and went out to have a little chat with them. I reminded the so-called tenant that the manager distributed a notice a few months ago stating that hanging around and talking in the parking lot and the building's common areas is not allowed and non-tenants are not allowed to park in the building's parking lot. Despite their promise to tone down the noise (one inside the vehicle claims he's also a tenant), it kept on for another 25 minutes. I then called the LAPD.

Of course, they left before the police arrived. The dispatcher called me a before any police showed up and I cancelled the call. What's the point? The perps were gone.

So it isn't any wonder that I am choosing to move to New Mexico where I will have an acre of land on both sides of the house (one acre will be mine) as a buffer for any noise problems with the neighbors.

This kind of problem isn't just confined to California. Anytime you have multiple apartments, there will be a few jackasses around to disturb the peace.

I'll have to have a little talk with the building manager today.

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