Sunday, November 12, 2017

An Itchy Elk and Roadkill Cafe

Above, the itchy bull elk. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today, our trip to New Mexico and Arizona ended.

On our way out of Grand Canyon National Park, we spotted a bull elk next to the road. He appeared to be using a bush to scratch himself or scrape off some skin from his antlers. Whatever he was doing, we stopped to watch for a bit and snapped a photo.

Above, the Roadkill Cafe in Seligman, Arizona. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After leaving Grand Canyon National Park, we headed south on Highway 64 to get to Interstate 40 in Williams. After heading down I-40 for about a while, we stopped at "the next burg", which happened to be Seligman.

Above, the front of the Roadkill Cafe. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There, we found the Roadkill Cafe. The name of the restaurant didn't sound appealing to Jes, but we stopped in for breakfast anyway (which wasn't bad). I parked The Beast in a big lot next door to the restaurant. It was either their lot or some abandoned "Wild West" attraction.

Their motto: "You kill it, we grill it!"

Above, where I parked The Beast while we had breakfast. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The choices on the menu were funny, they included such items as "Splatter Platter", "Smear of Deer", "Guess That Mess", "Awesome Possum" and other culinary delights. I like a place with a sense of humor. This one had it in spades!

Above, the Roadkill Cafe's hot sauce. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I just had to buy a magnet with their logo for The Beast from their gift shop.

After breakfast, we were back on the road again for Los Angeles.

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