Sunday, November 19, 2017

Getting Moving Costs

Above, the house in Jamestown, New Mexico. Yes, it occasionally snows there.

My preliminary checking on prices for moving all my stuff and the car from Tarzana to Jamestown, New Mexico tells me that the costs will be a lot cheaper than I imagined.

So far, I have been given quotes for moving in the $2,000 range and to ship the Mustang would be under $500.

Naturally, once the closing date is set, I can begin to plan on the move, including packing, tossing away stuff no longer needed and contract with a moving company.

A friend gave me some great advice on moving:
Jan-Feb is a good time to move.  We moved last week of January.  Moving companies don’t do a lot of moving in the winter, so rates and delivery schedules are better.
We got three bids, all of ‘em pretty much the same.  We ended up using United.  I asked my wife if she remembers how much; she thought it was about $6,000, but that’s kind of a guess.  And it was for a full house + car.  The shipped the car inside the van, something many moving companies won’t do.  Took ‘em 6 days.
Whomever you use, get everything in writing including delivery date.  Ask ‘em for free, yes free, boxes.  They will give them to you.  They will be used and they'll want them back once you’ve unpacked, but it’s a good deal. 

I am checking further on what deals I can find. It is roughly 687 miles from Tarzana to Jamestown.

While the Mustang and my stuff are being taken to the new house by a moving company, I'll be driving over in The Beast. If I should get there several days before the moving van, I'll at least have a place to stay.

I wish I just had only three...boxes.

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